Big Picture Approach To Change.
To be intentional and strategic about fostering sustainable change, it is essential to answer the following questions:
1. Where do you want to go? Envision the ideal future state.
2. Where are you now? Research what’s going well and what needs to be improved.
3. How to get there? Identify relevant solutions, create an action plan, and lead the change.
More Detail.
What is Organizational Development? The goal of organizational development is to maximize the potential of people, organizations, and communities. It is a method of change based in the social sciences that includes envisioning the future, assessing needs, identifying and implementing solutions, leading change, and measuring impact. Then repeating this process.
Future Planning: Having a clear vision of the ideal future state enables meaningful and relevant change. Only with this clarity will others buy-into and lead the changes themselves. This involves clarifying one’s vision, mission, values, purpose, and strategy.
Research Current State: To gain a truly accurate understanding of the current state, ask employees what is working well and what can be improved. A variety of research methods such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys can be used to help employees share their voice.
Change Leadership: Change is not easy, but luckily people generally go through a similar process of psychological transition. It is best to keep employees right by your side the entire journey and lead the change together.